Wednesday 12 September 2018
Fight Colic with the I Love U Massage
However, colic may disappear without any drugs. Mothers can give several therapies and one of them is the I Love U massage to soothe colic on your Little One.
Has your little one often been fussy or crying non-stop without any plausible cause or crying for more than 3 hours? S/he may suffer from colic. Colic is a condition where babies cry non-stop for hours without any exact cause and in general, colic happens on babies below 4 months.
What is the cause of colic? Colic may occur because babies’ developing digestive system, gases which trigger bloated stomach, lactose intolerance, sensitivity to the environment, breast milk or cow’s milk consumed too fast, and severe hunger.
Colic does make Mothers restless because it takes great effort to calm the Little One down. However, colic may disappear without any drugs. Mothers can give several therapies and one of them is the I Love U massage to soothe colic on your Little One.
In addition to appease colic, the I Love U massage is also useful to stimulate the Little One, so s/he will be more relaxed and have a more comfortable sleep. Then, it can create bonding between the Mother and Little One, and trigger a faster motoric development.
The I Love U massage is relatively easy. Mothers only need to prepare Telon Lang, so the babies can be warmer. Do following steps:
- Stretch the Little One on her/his back. Then, stroke with your hand from the top left stomach to the bottom side of the stomach, so you form an “I” letter.
- Crossing from the top right side, form the “L” letter using your hand while slowly massage your baby.
- Then, form the “U” letter from the bottom right side of the stomach to the top left side and end it on the bottom left side.
Do it routinely, especially after a bath. Have a happy massage time, Mothers J