Thursday 15 June 2017
Geliga Cream at Indonesia Outdoor Festival 2017
Geliga Cream participated in the fun of the Internasional Indonesia Outdoor Festival 2017.
Geliga Cream participated in the fun of the Internasional Indonesia Outdoor Festival 2017, which was the biggest outdoor lovers festival in Indonesia. Here you could experience many excitements, such as outdoor exhibition, outdoor activity, boulder challenge, bull riding challenge and we also guarantee you will be #bebaspegal (#freefromaches), thanks to Geliga Cream.
It was the support of Geliga Cream for outdoor sport lovers. Through this event, Geliga wanted to introduce its new product, i.e. Geliga Cream, which is highly suitable for any sports or activities to cause fatigue and aching. Thus, don’t worry about fatigue and aching anymore because Geliga Cream is ready to give the solution.