Wednesday 29 August 2018
The first balm stick in Indonesia is here to accompany our routines, so we can be free from stiffness anywhere and anytime.
In this fast moving era, daily routines require us to always actively move anytime and anywhere. Of course, it needs a fit body which is free from all kinds of complaints, such as stiffness or muscle pains. Thus, as an experienced and trustworthy product to solve muscle problems, Geliga presents an innovation in its newest product, i.e. Geliga Stick.
The first balm stick in Indonesia is here to accompany our routines, so we can be free from stiffness anywhere and anytime. Geliga Stick has a practical design, which makes it as the right choice because you can bring it along anytime, such as on your trip, workplace, or hangout places.
As other Geliga products, Geliga Stick remains prioritizing fresh aroma, non-sticky feature, and fast heat absorption. These features make Geliga Stick as the solution for active people to escape from stiffness in their daily routines. Open the cap, turn it a bit, spread it, and the stiffness will instantly go away. Have fun in your daily activities.