Wednesday 29 August 2018
VFresh, Best Friend of the Urban Transportation Lovers!
Taking the public transportations sometimes has its own perks which may discomfort us. You must have encountered some issues below during your trip with public transportation!
Nowadays, frequent traffic jams cause reluctance to travel, especially for people routinely commuting to and from their workplace. They are forced to join the routine traffic jams, which … ‘nuff said!
For most VFriends who do not want to drive your own vehicle (which usually make us more stressed during the traffic jam), public or urban transportation can become one of the top solutions to reach the office more comfortably and free from jams.
But, wait… taking the public transportations sometimes has its own perks which may discomfort us. You must have encountered some issues below during your trip with public transportation!
- Freezing Air Con on the Public Transportation!
Bbrrrr… this public transportation phenomenon is not unusual for you frequenting intercity buses. For example, you work in Jakarta while your home is in Bogor. A long trip plus freezing air con will make us suffer from headache or cold! Because prevention is better than cure, don’t forget to always use VFresh Red when you use transportations means with chilly and cold triggering AC. It’s not only warm, but also has good aroma which can make you relaxed for your commute.
- Reckless drivers
Confirmed that this is one of the issues we encountered in regional public transportation, such as angkot (city transportation utilizing a minibus) or city buses. Sudden braking, overtaking, or speeding is common, and make the passengers shaken inside the car. It may expose the passengers to headache. Before everything becomes worse, spread VFresh Green on your temple to prevent headache, and smell the aroma for relaxation.
- Other Passenger’s Body Odor
If you want to take public transportation, it means you have to be ready to face this risk. Of course, we can never know what have been done by persons sitting next to us, or maybe s/he sweats profusely which cause unpleasant odor. If this happens, you feel like jumping out from the public transportation. However, the best way to tackle this problem is your best mask to reduce unpleasant odor and don’t forget to smell the aroma of VFresh Green, which can neutralize unpleasant odor.
See, it has been proven that VFresh is really essential and a must-bring item in your bag. You, the city transportation lovers, VFresh really can help you in an urgent and uncomfortable situation on the public transportation. Stay Safe, keep calm and comfortable with VFresh!