Wednesday 06 June 2018
Let’s Get to Know Massage Styles Around the World!
Massage is a pleasant and advantageous therapy, especially if you feel fatigue, unwell, and sore muscle. Do you know that massage is a therapy practiced around the world and each massage has respective characteristic and style
Massage is a pleasant and advantageous therapy, especially if you feel fatigue, unwell, and sore muscle. Do you know that massage is a therapy practiced around the world and each massage has respective characteristic and style. This article shows 5 most popular massage styles from various countries:
1. Shiatsu Massage
This massage is originated from Japan and quite popular and useful to heal many illnesses, from headache to depression and digestive problems.
The scientific approach explains that Shiatsu is beneficial to soothe extremely active sympathetic nervous system. Thus, it improves the blood circulation, relax stiff muscle, and relieve stress. The Shiatsu massage is carried out by a therapist, who applies pressures from fingers and palm to distribute energy. It aims to improve the natural energy flow in the body.
2. Thai Massage
Thai massage, or widely known as “The Lazy Man’s Yoga”, is a distinctive massage style, where a therapist will move the patient’s body for stretching and preparation of the body. The movements are similar to yoga movement but the patient does not actively move his body. This massage style combines acupressure, reflexology, and yoga, which may relax and improve the energy and increase the patient’s body flexibility.
3.Swedish Massage
If you look for a light massage which can revitalize your body, the Swedish massage is the answer. It is one of the Western massage styles, which is also popular among health professional. A rumour says that 1-hour session of the Swedish massage equals to 8-hour sleep relaxation. This massage applies many gentle and long pressures, and also circling movement like threading movement. These movements assist in improving the blood circulation. As a result, the cells may receive more nutrition and oxygen. This condition improves the body organ and system functions. It may increase the immunity system so it can prevent various illnesses.
4.Chinese Anmo Massage
China is famous for powerful concoction and medicines. It also has an exceptional massage style, i.e. Anmo massage. This Anmo massage style varies from foot massage to full body massage. The uniqueness of this massage style is the therapy ends with hot sand inserted into a bag. Such hot sand bag is then put under your foot and also rubbed on your back. It aims to relax and make your body comfortable.
5.Indonesian Traditional Massage
Massage cannot be separated from the Indonesian cultures since hundreds of years ago. The Indonesian Traditional massage is grouped into two categories, i.e. pijat and urut. Pijat is used for relaxing and soothing sore muscles by kneading stiff muscles to stretch them. Meanwhile, urut is a massage technique which focuses more on the muscles and nerve paths. Its main purpose is to encourage better blood circulation or heal injuries and fractures. Both techniques have been proven beneficial for various illnesses, such as colds, stiff muscles, fatigue, headache, and even internal diseases, such as respiration and digestive tract problems.
See, massage styles are diverse and also beneficial. You only need to adjust the massage technique with your body’s need. But, your massage will not be complete without Minyak GPU, which contains Nutmeg Oil and Citronella Oil. These oils are advantageous to warm and relax your body during the massage session. This product is available in three variants, i.e. Sereh, Jahe, and Pala. GPU is ready to make your massage session more comfortable and enjoyable. GPU Yahuuud…! (GPU is greaaatttt…!)