Established since 1973, PT. EAGLE INDO PHARMA or more widely known as CAP LANG has undergone continuous transformations until it became the existing company. CAP LANG consistently serves and improves public health by providing high quality, effective, and safe OTC (Over the Counter) pharmaceutical products.
CAP LANG is the market leader in various product category and class, specifically the rubs & balm category, such as: CAP LANG CAJUPUT OIL, GELIGA MUSCLE BALM, LANG BALM, LANG AROMATIC OIL, LANG MEDICATED OIL, and GOSOK PIJAT URUT (GPU) MASSAGE OIL. It is proven by various achievements, e.g.: ICSA, TOP BRAND, BEST BRAND, MURI (Indonesian Records Museum) award, and other awards.
As a pharmaceutical company, CAP LANG progressively improves to become a modern pharmaceutical company. Recently, CAP LANG is equipped with production facilities complying with the CPOTB (Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik / Good Practices in the Preparation of Traditional Medicine) regulated by BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan / Indonesian National Agency of the Drug and Food Control) and cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) as required by WHO (World Health Organization).
Supported by a strong distribution network, CAP LANG products are easily accessible in all over Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, and customers can find these products in either modern or traditional outlets.

To be a continuously growing consumer health product company, which provides superior and innovative products for customers, development opportunities for stakeholders, and high values for shareholders
Innovative products for a better life