Friday 09 February 2018
Cap Lang Sharenting: Where Super Moms Met
To celebrate our friendship and give a chance for Moms to be “Sharenting” directly, Cap Lang Kayu Putih and Cap Lang Kayu Putih Plus organized the On Ground Sharenting with Mona Ratuliu.
Moms, time passes so quickly and now, it is already the end of the year. Just in the blink of an eye, the Cap Lang Sharenting Competition has entered the 4th period and it will always accompany Moms at the end of 2017. To celebrate our friendship and give a chance for Moms to be “Sharenting” directly, Cap Lang Kayu Putih and Cap Lang Kayu Putih Plus organized the On Ground Sharenting with Mona Ratuliu.
This event was held on Saturday, 16th December 2017 and took place at Harlequin Bistro, Jakarta. It started at 11:00 a.m. Mothers, who were so enthusiastic, had come to the location since 10:30 a.m. Participants were winners of the Sharenting competition on the www.keluargacaplang.com microsite and @keluarga_caplang Instagram account.
A lunch session opened the event and participants could join the talkshow with Mona Ratuliu and Cap Lang Kayu Putih and Cap Lang Kayu Putih Plus Brand Representative, Mrs. Lelyana, after the lunch. The theme of this On Ground Sharenting is #BundaHebatCapLang, where Moms could get valuable and informative tips to be a Super Mom. Mona Ratuliu & Mrs. Lelyana delivered the tips themselves. Some Moms also openly shared their Sharenting experiences.
In addition, the Moms also eagerly asked anything about Parenting and Super Mom tips to Mona and Mrs. Lely during the question and answer session. Sharenting Moms were not less excited when the #happysharenting challenge winners were announced and prizes were distributed, as the Moms could bring home many tempting gifts, such as cell phones, microwaves, juicers, and shopping vouchers in the amount of hundred thousand Rupiahs.
All participating Moms did not only bring joy home, but also new parenting skills which could be straight applied to their beloved child(ren). This event is a source of happiness for the Cap Lang big family, because it can continuously share advantageous joys for all Super Moms, Cap Lang Kayu Putih and Cap Lang Kayu Putih Plus customers in all over Indonesia.