Wednesday 29 August 2018
Inspiration from Kartini with Balsem Lang
Balsem Lang, O Channel, and the Indonesian Army Wives Association (IKKT) held an event entitled Inspirasi Kartini (Inspiration from Kartini), at Aula Pusat Misi Pemeliharaan Perdamaian, Sentul Bogor, West Java.
On 25th April 2018, Balsem Lang, O Channel, and the Indonesian Army Wives Association (IKKT) held an event entitled Inspirasi Kartini (Inspiration from Kartini), at Aula Pusat Misi Pemeliharaan Perdamaian, Sentul Bogor, West Java. The purpose of this event was to invite army wives to better understand about kerokan (coining treatment) and traditional herbal tonic processing. This event was attended by approximately 150 participants, who were the Indonesian army wives. The event was divided into several sessions, among others, talk show on kerokan by Prof. Dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, dr., PAK, M.M., M.Kes., talk show on traditional herbal tonic processing by an expert from Suwe Ora Jamu, and also fun quiz, photo challenge, and games. It started at 09:00 to 12:30 Western Indonesian Time.
Dig deeper the kerokan (coining treatment) and traditional drink processing
In this session, Prof. Didik asked the participants to know several matters related to kerokan, from the history of kerokan to his research in order to prove the benefits of kerokan. Prof. Didik explained main functions and benefits of kerokan, i.e. 4M. What is 4M? Murah, Mudah, Manjur dan Mesra (Cheap, Easy, Potent, and Intimate). It’s Cheap, because kerokan is a really cheap traditional treatment. It only needs a coin and smoothing material or Balsem Lang. It’s Easy, because kerokan can be done everywhere, anytime, and by anyone. It’s Potent, because kerokan can improve several hormones in the body. One of the hormones is endorphin, which can bring back your health. It’s Intimate and this factor is the most important in this traditional treatment. Kerokan is the most intimate method to relieve cold, because kerokan involves two persons who are affectionate to each other, and there is an interaction during kerokan. Prof. Didik also gave tips and tricks for kerokan. For example, kerokan cannot be done on the front side of the neck. Kerokan will be highly useful if it is correctly performed. Furthermore, there was a question and answer session with Prof. Didik and demonstration on the correct kerokan, which involved two audiences.
After the talk show on kerokan was completed, it was followed by a talk show on traditional drinks, i.e. herbal tonic, by an expert from Suwe Ora Jamu. As the kerokan session, this session started with a discussion on herbal tonic, processing, introduction on plants for herbal tonic, and practice to make herbal tonic by audiences.
Before the event was concluded, a fun game was presented, i.e. dance game a la the army wives. In this session, participants were divided into 4 groups to compete for gifts. Each group showed the best dance and appearance with music, which might send people to the dance floor.
So, that’s a summary of the great event of Inspirasi Kartini with Balsem Lang. Be the modern Kartini, who is super and valuable for the family, nation, and state. Hmm… is there any other event, which will be managed by Balsem Lang? Just wait for the update!