Thursday 03 May 2018
Deep Conversation about Generation Z with Kayu Putih Aroma and Prilly Latuconsina
Kayu Putih Aroma, as the brand close in the heart of the Generation Z, invited Teman Hati and Kompasiana blogger community to talk and have a deep conversation on everything about the Generation Z. It was managed as a laid-back afternoon discussion under the Kompasiana Nangkring theme
Do you know who belongs to Generation Z? Generation Z is a human population group, who was born between 1995 and 2011. The Generation Z appears after the Millennial Generation (1977 – 1994). What is the actual distinction between such two generations? The Generation Z was born when the information technology, especially internet, has been existed on human’s daily lives.
The internet technology penetration to the household level has caused the generation Z growing up as “Digital Natives”, where their information search, processing, and treatment process is different to the non-internet millennial generation. Besides, the Generation Z also has strength in operating and adapting with the technology. That’s why, the Generation Z causes the rise of new professions closely related to the internet technology, such as vloggers, reviewers, travel bloggers, etc.
Kayu Putih Aroma, as the brand close in the heart of the Generation Z, invited Teman Hati and Kompasiana blogger community to talk and have a deep conversation on everything about the Generation Z. It was managed as a laid-back afternoon discussion under the Kompasiana Nangkring theme. Kayu Putih Aroma also did not forget to invite the popular brand ambassador and Generation Z icon in Indonesia, i.e. Prilly Latuconsina.
Taking place at the rooftop of Por Que No? Café, Teman Hati had a lively discussion on Saturday afternoon with Prilly Latuconsina, who shared her view on the Generation Z. Prilly is not only famous for her career as a soap opera star, but she, as the part of the Generation Z, is also successful to publish her poems, entitled 5 Detik and Rasa Rindu. Prilly described how she, as the Generation Z, relied so much on the information technology for her works.
From this event, Kayu Putih Aroma expects Teman Hati and the blogger community can get more inspiration and motivation to produce their works and reach their aspiration as the Generation Z. The fun of such afternoon talk was enlivened by Prilly’s fans (Prillyvers), who also gave so many questions while hunting for an opportunity to take photos with their idol.