Tuesday 25 July 2017
Play the Indonesian Traditional Game with Cap Lang Cajuput Oil
"In this event, children can enjoy traditional games, such as Indonesian hopscotch, walking on stilts, benthik, lompat bambu, boy-boyan, and many more."
Coinciding with the National Children Day on 23rd July 2017, Cap Lang Cajuput Oil presented the Indonesian Native Games Festival, which was an event to take children back to Indonesian native and traditional games. In this event, children can enjoy traditional games, such as Indonesian hopscotch, walking on coconut shell stilts, benthik, lompat bambu, boy-boyan, and many more.
This event was started by a costume parade joined by tens of Nurseries, Kindergartens, and Elementary Schools in JABODETABEK. Then, the fun continued by the presence of Alifa and Bunda Romi, who shared the benefits of Indonesian Traditional Games. Approaching noon, the event was getting lively from many performances of races and competitions participants, who showed their art talents, from singing to dancing. The Twin, Upin and Ipin, also brightened this event.
The event was closed by gift-giving for competition winners and special awards for teachers, who had taken their students to participate in this Indonesian Native Games Festival. Don’t forget to join the Indonesian Native Games Festival next year with Cap Lang Cajuput Oil! #ayomaindiluar #caplangkayuputih #permainanasliindonesia