Monday 25 June 2018
Conversation on “Parenting in the Digital Era” with Cap Lang Sharenting
Cap Lang Kayu Putih was back to organize an event for super Moms to share parenting tips, popularly referred to as Cap Lang Sharenting.
Following the success of the first event, Cap Lang Kayu Putih was back to organize an event for super Moms to share parenting tips, popularly referred to as Cap Lang Sharenting. Super Moms enthusiastically welcomed this second event as many Moms registered online at Instagram @Keluarga_caplang.
At 9 o’clock in the morning, Moms gathered around the yard of LOT 9 Café Bintaro and waited patiently for their turn to fill up a registration form. It was the final requirement to join the Cap Lang Sharenting event. Moms’ enthusiasm was justifiable because the speakers in this Cap Lang Sharenting event were the pretty and witty @babymoonela and her Mom, @itsmerry.
“Hi, aunty uncle Cap Lang Sharenting…” Baby Moonella’s cute voice opened this Cap Lang Sharenting. The Moms brighten up in no time and sometimes pointed their cell phone camera to take photos of Baby Moonela’s cute face and her Mom. Mom Lely as the Brand Manager of Cap Lang Kayu Putih did not forget to extend her greeting while leading the Cap Lang Kayu Putih Plus’s mosquito test. This test might prove the ability of Cap Lang Kayu Putih Plus to protect against mosquito bites for 8 hours.
The current theme was “Parenting in the Digital Era” because we deeply understood the concern of modern Moms. Moms might want to separate their children and gadget, but it felt impossible because gadgets were everywhere near them. To discuss such issue, we also invited the Hypnoparenting expert, Mr. Herjandi Wijaya S.Kom., M.M., C.Ht., CI.
Mr. Herijandi built up the excitement more when he attempted to hypnotize the Moms! However, as it was already afternoon and the hunger has kicked in, a lunch session concluded the event. Before the closing, apparently the door prize was drawn. Wow, it was so cool. Congratulations for the lucky Moms because you did not only get parenting tips but also bring home a gift.
May Cap Lang Kayu Putih and Cap Lang Kayu Putih Plus continuously share beneficial happiness to all Super Moms in all over Indonesia.