Monday 25 June 2018
Nangkring (Gathering of) Kompasiana – Balsemlang Kerokanisme
Kompasianer were invited to discuss all about Kerokan with a Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Negeri Solo (UNS / Solo State University), Prof. Dr. dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, PAK, M.M., M.Kes. To know more about the kerokan treatment
Cold and kerokan (coining) treatment are not a foreign term for Indonesians. Almost every person has ever suffered from cold and treated it by kerokan.
This treatment has become a part of the Indonesian traditional treatment, which is usually applied for healing cold, headache, or stiff muscles. After the kerokan treatment, it is believed that the body will be far less stiff and the healing is faster.
What is actually the kerokan treatment, specifically from the point of view of modern medicine? Kompasiana and Balsem Lang invited Kompasianer to know the traditional kerokan treatment further from the point of view of modern health and medicine. The discussion was referred to as Kompasiana Nangkring (Kompasiana’s Gathering) under the theme of “Kerokanisme”.
This event was held on 25th October 2017 at Hotel Santika Slipi. Kompasianer were invited to discuss all about Kerokan with a Professor of the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Negeri Solo (UNS / Solo State University), Prof. Dr. dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, PAK, M.M., M.Kes. To know more about the kerokan treatment, just watch the explanation from Prof. Didik in the brief videos below: